

There is believed to be a new planet,Tyche[Ti-ch-e.](like Tai che].Tyche is believed to be 4 times jupiter and a gas giant.Jupiter’s equatorial radius is 71,492+4km,its polar radius is 66,853+10km, its surface area is 6.21796x10km,its mass is 1.8986×10 km,and last but not least is its volume which is 1.43128x10km.so measuring those facts x4=,

  • its volume is 5.72512
  • its polar radius is 267,412
  • its surface area is 24.87184
  • its mass is 7.5944
  • its equatorial radius is 285,968
  • and 1,788 earths inside Jupiter x4=7,152 earths inside Tyche.

but that’s just my math.Also many Astronomers believe it is not there.John Matese and Daniel Whitmere of the University Of Louisiana-Lafayette say they have been  studying “Tyche” for 12 years.which is 1999.suggesting its in a far-off region in our solar system called the Oort Cloud. “There’s evidence that some Oort cloud comets display peculiarities.We’re saying that perhaps the pattern indicative there’s a planet there ”  said Maltese.Though there argument is similar to the one they already made,”what’s new is the pattern has persisted,” Matese told Life’s Little  Mysteries “its possible it’s a statistical fluke,but that likelihood decreased over the past 10 years.”  . Matese says NASA’s WISE telescope may have already collected infrared data from “Tyche” that would be hard to get out from its immense database.”The spectum in  we predicted is uncertain,and there may be a great many signals that are similar to what is expected fro our object.So this could take time.” Matese said.”It could take 2 years  before a signal from Tyche –if its there,its located” he added.Matthew Holman,a planetary scientist at  the Harvard Smithsonian Institute Of Astrophyschics,is not a Tyche believer.Though he hasn’t read the latest version of Matese and Whitmere’s claim,Holman told Life’s Little Mysteries,”Based on  past papers that I’ve looked at where long periods of comets came from the sky,and finding large perturbs of the Oort Cloud,I was not persuaded by the evidence.”.Hal Levison,a planetary scientist at the Southwest Research in Bolder,CO.,Who recently authored a paper on the Oort cloud for Science magazine,seconded that opinion.”I haven’t read the latest version of his paper,which he claims is better than the old statistics than the previou attempts,where he also claimed that he saw evidence of this object,” Levison said.”But,in previou papers,I really think he did his statistics wrong.Incredible claims require incredible proof and I really believe that he doesn’t understnd how to do this statisical analysis correctly.” “What Matese claims is that he see’s an excess of comets coming from a particular place,which he contributes to the gravitational effects of a large planet in the Oort cloud.I have nothing against the idea,but I think the signal he claims he see’s is very subtle,and i’m not sure if its statistically signfigent,” Levison told Life’s Little Mysteries.”There’s another group in England that claims the same thing,but withJupiteron the other side of the Sun,” Levison said “and they also claim to explain the excess of comets.”

My opinion,Tyche seems real,and there’s another person to back it up,Zecharia Sitchin( January 11th 1920-October 9th 2010).He predicted Planet X/Niburu.Sitchin said that the Annuki came from a planet beyond neptune(/dwarf planet pluto)  called Niburu.He believed this hypothetical planet “Niburu” to be in a elongated,elliptical orbit in our solar system,asserting that Sumerian mythology reflects this view.You’re wondering “but,where’s Tyche?” its actually is a planet past Neptune.